The below list of panic button options are ones we are currently using or on our supplemental details are being used by our clients. Feel free to take a peak and even comment on any other technologies you and your organization maybe using.

IPHONE: Uses – home, workplace and personal protection
ANDROID: Uses - home, workplace and personal protection
ADT PULSE: Uses - home
A.LRT: Uses - home, workplace and personal protection
Revolar Instinct: A.LRT: Uses - home, workplace and personal protection
GuardianAngel: Uses - home, workplace and personal protection
Rave Mobile Safety: Uses - workplace
Alert Media: Uses - workplace
Riskband: Uses - home, workplace and personal protection
Once again, should you haven any other technologies you would like to recommend, feel free to post them in the comments section.
From the Executive Protection Training Team @
Secure Options Consulting, LLC