In the world of executive protection details an often overlooked capability is emergency medical services for the client or protectee. Even if your client is in perfect health, it's an important topic that should be addressed in your planning process prior to beginning an executive protection detail.
Our medical capabilities process and what we do at Secure Options Consulting, LLC. As a secured protection contract or detail has been awarded to our company we begin our thorough planning process. At times it's a "fast-ball" detail and we execute our rapid planning process. Needless to say, one important topic of this planning process that should not be overlooked is your medical plan. Here is a summary of our plan in short:
Client interview and any known medical conditions, medications etc..
Does the detail require a medical Doctor, Paramedic, EMT or just a medically trained EP agent
Route Selection and Survey: Throughout the itinerary and movements we locate the nearest medical facilities in relation to each venue and we ensure the driver knows the directions to each location.
We inspect our Medic Go Bag and defibrillator to ensure its mission ready.
Lastly, Our Executive Protection agents conduct a tabletop exercise on the most likely emergencies that could occur to our client should they need medical attention throughout the detail or long term contract
We hope these 5 key points assist you in providing the appropriate level of care throughout your Executive Protection Details
In our Executive Protection Training Course we cover this topic extensively and apply it to our scenarios to ensure our students success.
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Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection
Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection Chicago executive protection